
Saving Lives Every Day: Join the Fight Against Healthcare Associated Infections

Every year, over 75,000 lives are tragically lost to healthcare associated infections (HAIs). These aren't just numbers; they represent individuals, families, and communities devastated by preventable infections. At BioVigil, we're on a mission to change this alarming statistic and save countless lives.

Partnering with hospitals across the nation, BioVigil is leading the charge in infection prevention. Our innovative system has been proven to reduce HAIs by up to 83%, making a tangible difference in patient outcomes and healthcare provider safety. We're not just stopping infections; we're saving lives, one patient at a time.

The green hand visually communicates to patients that care providers have clean hands, driving quality standards

The BioVigil Hand Hygiene Solution

BioVigil enables the management of hand hygiene compliance at hospital, department, and individual levels without changes to infrastructure, and is sanitizer product agnostic.

Our leading technology solution includes an alcohol vapor sensing badge to detect the use of hand sanitizer, sink sensors, and a robust data suite.

Measurable Results


97% Hand Hygiene Compliance

Real time reminders that coach
behavior modification result in
significant improvements - doubling staff compliance and reducing cross-contamination by over 90%.


100+ Daily
Observations Per Bed

Gone are the days of inaccurate reporting due to small sample sizes skewed by the Hawthorne Effect. You can now exceed Leapfrog requirements and boost your grade.


Reduce HAIs by
up to 83%

The reduction in HAI's not only saves lives, but benefits your hospital's reputation and bottom line. BioVigil
often pays for itself by reducing
HAI-related costs.


Real Time Data Capture

Our data suite provides actionable insights not only for hand hygiene performance, but staff rounding, contract tracing, and more.


Join the BioVigil Movement

Every life lost to a healthcare associated infection is one too many. Together, we can make a difference. Join us in our mission to revolutionize healthcare, ensuring that every patient receives the safe and effective care they deserve. 

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